How It Works

How CallGuard Protects You Each Step of the Way

Below you will see how the combination of advanced VoIP technology & human intervention stops scammers at every turn.

Buying for Yourself?Buying for Someone Else?

How Phonely with CallGuard Works

As you scroll down, you’ll see how each CallGuard feature works in turn, from before your phone rings to after you hang up.

Below is just an example of what you can expect as many of our features are customisable to suit your needs.

Somebody calls your number.
Our system checks callers number.

Our system will automatically check if the number is blocked by you or if it's on Phonely's known scam numbers database, to determine if this call is legitimate.

Caller will hear Phonely's anti-fraud prompt.

If the number is not blocked by you or our system, the caller will hear Phonely's anti-fraud prompt:

"Hello. Phonely's CallGuard protects the person you are calling and your call will be recorded and monitored for their safety. If you're happy to continue, please stay on the line. Alternatively, if you wish to terminate this call please hang up now."

Your phone starts ringing & you answer.

Call recording begins.

Phonely records all your incoming calls so you have a record of each conversation. If you have Phonely with CallGuard+, our advanced technology will scan your recordings for keywords that are commonly used by criminals.

Monitoring for keywords.

During your conversation, our system will monitor for keywords from our vast library of language we know criminals use. Words such as card details, bank, deposit or any you've added yourself will be picked up and your Trusted Persons will be notified of them once your call has ended (Phonely CallGuard+ only).

Invite a Trusted Person.

If you feel uncomfortable or there is something suspicious about your call, you can invite a Trusted Person to join your call to help. Just press #9 or the HELP button (on the X305 phone only). The caller will hear a message that someone else will be joining the call, and this alone could encourage a scammer to end the call.

You've picked up a call with a withheld or international number, or you've been on a call for an unusual amount of time.

In any of these instances, your Trusted Person will be immediately alerted allowing them to join your live call to give you any assistance you may need. The caller will hear a message that someone else will be joining the call, and this alone could encourage a scammer to end the call.

Your call ends.

Call recording.

Once your call ends, your recording will be saved and available for you and your Trusted Person to listen to and download in a simple MP3 format at any time. This gives you or your Trusted Person the opportunity to check for the keywords that we may have sent notifications of.

Call transcription.

If you have Phonely's CallGuard+, all your call recordings are transcribed into an easy-to-read, chat-like format. This makes it easier for you to spot and highlight keywords and quickly refer back to if needed.

Start Feeling Protected Today!

Open an account for you or your loved one instantly, by choosing the perfect plan below.

Phonely Digital Landline

£9.97 /month

  • UK telephone number or keep your own
  • Unlimited calls*
  • International calls**
  • Voicemail service
  • Contact book


  • Trusted Person(s) nomination & app
  • Auto call blocking
  • Unlimited call blocking
  • Anti-fraud intro
  • Call recording
  • Real-time suspicious call alerts
  • Live call joining
  • Offline alerts
  • Call transcription
  • Keyword Notifications
Most popular tag
Phonely with CallGuard

£19.70 /month

  • UK telephone number or keep your own
  • Unlimited calls*
  • International calls**
  • Voicemail service
  • Contact book


  • Trusted Person(s) nomination & app
  • Auto call blocking
  • Unlimited call blocking
  • Anti-fraud intro
  • Call recording
  • Real-time suspicious call alerts
  • Live call joining
  • Offline alerts
  • Call transcription
  • Keyword Notifications

Still have questions? Visit our FAQ page or contact our friendly UK-based team on
0800 112 5000, email or use our live chat.

* Unlimited calls are subject to our fair usage policy.

** International call rates are different depending on which country you're calling.
Check out our international call rates.

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