There are total of 3 user comments about calls from 07703685202. Last comment has been made . The overall rating for 07703685202 is Dangerous. Read Disclaimer
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Definitely something sinister about this number - BEWARE.
Follow on from the previous message, I was correcting a spelling mistake and accidentally sent. I wasn't paying attention & answered again. They kept stating that I had rung them but when I denied this the bloke became very offensive. He had a Manc accent & I became aware there was a sinister atmosphere to the whole proceedings. I immediately cut off the call. I went to block but there was no evidence of incoming calls just 2 outgoing. This when I can categorically state I called just the once. I feel there is something dangerous about this phone number. Beware. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if they are not reading this at the moment. Once again I state - BEWARE. There is something definitely sinister about this number.
Was composing an e-mail, awaiting a phonecall, when I received a call from this number. About 20 minutes later I stupidly, maybe, rang back. Was answered by an unbelievably drippy young woman but with a bloke prompting her in the background. She kept saying, not insisting, she was too stupid for that, she hadn't rung me but was receiving further prompting. I terminated the call. They rang me again, stating I called them a furher