There are total of 17 user comments about calls from 03308 226 160. Last comment has been made . The overall rating for 03308 226 160 is Dangerous. Read Disclaimer
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Stinky HMRC scammers.
Received an Email with this number from HSBC(!) but email address is Not even trying hard to scam me! Bunch of clowns.
scam callback number purporting to be HSBC Bank! Its not its a scam! Dont Get Involved look at the origin of the email NOT THE HSBC!!!! DANGER AHEAD
Email claiming "the HSBC UK Business Banking App has been set up on a [Samsung] mobile device", and asking if it was me. It all looks very convincing and asks the recipient to phone this number - 03308 226 160 - to verify. So it's a fake.
Scam email purporting to be HSBC saying someone had logged into my biz banking. I don't hv a biz account!
Email header gives the game away, anyway nice sounding english man pretending to be from my bank HSBC Guess what, I do not bank with them hahahah
A fake but convincing-looking email pretending to be from HSBC telling me to ring this number.
Claims to be from HSBC - with whom I have no dealings.
HSBC scam
Scam claiming to be HSBC
Hello, We‘ve noticed the HSBC UK Business Banking App has been set up on a mobile device and want to make sure it‘s you. When: 13 August 2024 at 15:20 UK time Device type: Samsung/SM-G935F (Please note this may be the model number of your phone. You can view this in your device's settings) If this wasn‘t you, please call us immediately on 03308 226 160 if you‘re calling from the UK, or +44 3308 226 160 if you‘re calling from overseas. You can call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our reference: DZBDAA
Low quality email scam
Says from the bank, but clearly is not.
This number was in an email purporting to be from HSBC - it's not
Phone scam