Who is calling me
from number

01344 888 711

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User comments about this number

There are total of 64 user comments about calls from 01344 888 711. Last comment has been made . The overall rating for 01344888711 is DangerousRead Disclaimer

reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Had the same call today. They wanted to know my life insurance provider and said I was entitled to compensation for a vaccine reaction. Suspicious!

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Caller said they were from Citizens Advice and tried to argue when I called it a scam. This is the third different number they've called from.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Claimed to be from nhs asked if I had, Both my covid jabs and did I have any reactions. Then asked if I was satisfied or had any complaints about the nhs. Then when on to ask about private health care, life insurance, mortgage and bank accounts I asked why does she need to now if I have any of the above if she was from the nhs. She hung up on me. 🤬

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Called me saying they’re from Citizens Advice and that my debt is affecting my credit score, so I questioned what he was on about and he went on about my debts that needed sorting and he can help. So I questioned what debts? I don’t have any and he hung up

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Caller claimed to be from the NHS, first asked about vaccine reactions, then started querying about life insurance. When I refused to answer, they hung up abruptly. Scam alert!

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Said they were from the NHS and we’re checking I’d had my COVID booster. They hung up when I laughed as it was so obviously not the NHS.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Someone called from this number claiming to be from the NHS asking about COVID reactions and whether I had requested a paper passport, which I hadn't. Then started probing about my life insurance details. When I mentioned GDPR, they hung up. Clearly a data-gathering scam.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Say they're from citizens advice. This is the third different number they have called me off. The man tried to get into an argument with me when I told him it was a scam.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Called to say that I could get discounts with my covid vaccine certificate. I listed just enough to call then out and hung up

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Received a call claiming they were from the NHS. When I said I wasn't comfortable disclosing information, they stammered and hung up when I mentioned I never had the vaccine. Reporting this number to the police.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Said it was step change. Scam

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Daniel said he was from the NHS and needed life insurance info for government grants. I hung up and blocked the number after he called back twice.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Said from covid team asked about reaction too vaccine then tried to get personal details

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Don't give out any details, just hang up. Total scam and I'm based in South Wales.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Claimed to be from nhs about side affects from COVId vaccine when I challenged them how on earth would they have my number he hung up

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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I've had exactly the same call today. Wanted to know who my life insurance cover is with and that I was entitled to compensation due to having an adverse reaction to the vaccine.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Said he was from NHS, asked about reactions to vaccine, then started to ask about whether I had any life insurance and when I asked why he needed that information started talking about not selling me anything, then asked which company. When I said I’m not giving them any information and said I’m suspicious that he is asking he hung up.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Called just now claiming they are from nhs - When I promoted him saying am not comfortable disclosing - he boggled and said it was about my booster jab and i had my covid vaccine when i never did. Need to report this number to the police.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Called saying I have debts. I told him they were sorted (Indian Guy) he called me a liar and a B**ch and told me to f**k off. Am stunned to be honest with how nasty he got so quickly. How is this allowed to happen?

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Told me they was from an independent fraud unit... Told them there a scam and put phone down.. Be Aware people.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Claiming to call on behalf of the NHS, to tell me I could get a rebate on my health insurance if I give them my details... hung up on me when I said I wouldn't give them any information.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Said they were from the NHS COVID team asking about vaccine reactions, then tried to obtain personal details. Beware of this scam.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Says from Citizen Advice. Scam

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Claimed to be from the NHS COVID helpdesk. Suspicious behavior.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Claiming to be NHS

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Don't give any details out, just hang up. Scam 100% Oh and I'm in sw Wales

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Got a call from this number claiming to be nhs and asking for verification on jabs and booster - I terminated the call immediately.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Caller claimed to be from the NHS regarding COVID jabs. As soon as I raised my suspicions, they hung up.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Received a call claiming to be from the NHS asking about my COVID vaccine and if I had any adverse reactions. Then they switched topics to life insurance and bank accounts. When I questioned why they needed to know this if they were NHS, they hung up on me.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Caller said I had debts. When I told them it was sorted, he became verbally abusive. Unbelievable behavior!

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Caller said was NHS health services and wanted to speak to other person in the household when I said I wasn't them they cut me off seems like a scam call

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Have reported the number to the fraud line. Angry Indian man trying to scam me.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Saya from citizen advice wanted personal information let them go through to tell him at end of the call it was being recorded said I no there a scammer and he hung up that's 2 I recored in 2 days both recorded

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Called saying he was from the nhs regarding the covid jabs?! As soon as I said “look I wouldn’t receive a call about any of this I don’t know who you are but I’m not signing up to anything I’m not paying for anything etc” he hung up.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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They called offering discounts with my COVID vaccine certificate. I listened just enough to call their bluff and hung up.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Daniel rang saying he was from the nhs checking to see if I both jabs , then wanted to know my life insurance provider as there are government grants because insurance doesn't cover for COVID I told him nothing and hung up , he then tang a further 2 times which I didn't answer now looking on here shall block number

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Claimed to be calling from The FCA

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Claiming to be from nhs covid helpdesk

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Said they were from an independent fraud unit and tried to scam me. Hung up immediately. Be alert!

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Claimed to be from NHS calling about reactions to Covid vacation. And whether I have received my requested paper passport - which I hadn't requested! Went on to confirm my Life Insurance and which company and when I informed the caller that NHS wouldn't request this information This didn't stop James requested my current company and eventually I told him GDPR meant I didn't have to answer the question when he continued to push He hung up. This call is a sales or data gathering for a Scam.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Got a call from this number pretending to be NHS and wanting to verify my vaccine status. Ended the call the moment they started asking for my details.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Also told me Citizen Advice but I work for something like this and know they would not make a call like this.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Claims to be from NHS. Kept asking if I'd had both jabs, as I couldn't understand what he was asking initially. I told him that if he was from NHS he would know that. Said he needed to hear me say I had. When I asked for what reason he needed to know. He put the phone down.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Caller claimed to be from Citizens Advice, insistent that i provide details on unsecured debts, after 5 mins of making it up, i asked them to email me confirmation of information they were trying to give me and when i called them out for being a scam hung up

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Someone called from this number saying they want to clear my debts when I said I wasn’t interested he went on to repeatedly tell me to f**k off and called me a b**ch Block this number

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Claims to be Citizen Advice Beaurau. But it is NOT!!! Please dont fall victim to this scam, ask for their Company registration number & they'll drop the call faster than a hot potato

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Claim to be Citizens advice and that they are acting on a government initiative to help pay off debts by offering me a single payment option and to send all the companies I owe money to them as it’s illegal under this scheme for them to come after me. Citizens Advice don’t offer any services like this so reported them to action fraud.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Said they were from NHS test and trace. Then said he was my dr. Asked me if I was fully vaccinated. I asked him why my female Dr isn't calling me from my drs surgery and hung up on me

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Said they were from NHS about COVID Booster jab, I asked why they were calling me as Ive always deal with my GP, he said he knew who my GP was and when I asked him he got it wrong but tried to tell me I was right. Do not get involved with these peope.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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01344 888711

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Keeps ringing, hangs up when I answer

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Says from nhs asking if I have had my covid jab. Then something to do with did I have a computer. I put him om speakerphone and he hung up. Reported number to spam.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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I have reported these to the FCA as they are pretending to be the charity step change.. They have a website saying step change ‘debt charity’ which is misleading and fraudulent. Try and push u I to getting an IVA, which they make money from and is not necessary in your best interests. They sent me a very nasty email saying they would report me so I couldn’t get any debt help ever again. Nasty people. Preying on the vulnerable.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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said they were from the nhs , asked about jab and reactions , asked if i had life insurance and when i said no hung up. they didn’t ask any personal details

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Claims to be from the NHS and wants to know my life insurance details. When I wouldn't give him them, he kept going on about not selling me anything. Pack of less, just hang up.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Now ringing claiming to be from NHS

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Claimed to be from NHS calling about reactions to covid vacation. Tried to confirm my identity with a post code from 15 years ago! I informed the caller that I suspected call to be a scam and hung up.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Said to me from the Covid-19 helpdesk, which doesn’t exist! - scam! I just hung up

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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It’s a scam!!, credit card fraud investigation, indian guy started to swear at me!!!

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Citizens advise , wouldn't take no for an answer and wont stop calling me now , so have blocked number

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Like others I got a call today (26/10/21) said he was from citizens advice bureau, saying I had unsecured debts... I asked what was the reason for his call he said something to do with a charity... then I said bull**** and hung up. Remember none of these people call unless you arrange for them to do so!

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Claimed to be from the NHS and said it was a verification call. Asked if I had any reaction to the vaccine and if I had medical cover. They hung up when I said the NHS wouldnt ask that.

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reported 01344 888 711 as Harassing
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Say they are from citizens advice Debt charity support Absolute scam Don’t not trust

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reported 01344 888 711 as Dangerous
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Left me feeling scared as I don’t know who this is!

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