Who is calling me
from number

03453 002 750

About the number

As of writing this message, the number 03453002750 belongs to Lloyds Bank. This number is listed on their website: https://www.lloydsbank.com/private-banking/telephone-banking.html However, please exercise caution as it is possible for scammers to spoof legitimate numbers. If you're not sure whether someone is spoofing 0345 300 2750, it is best to call that number directly. By doing so, you will ensure you are contacting Lloyds Bank and not the individuals attempting to spoof the number.

Number stats
Users rating: Safe
Number linked to: Lloyds Bank
Number of comments: 2
Last report:
First report:
Number of searches: 914
User comments about this number

There are total of 2 user comments about calls from 03453 002 750. Last comment has been made . The overall rating for 03453002750 is SafeRead Disclaimer

reported 03453 002 750 as Dangerous
I had a message on the answering machine, which was from number 0345 300 2752. This is a genuine Llyods Banks number. I rang the Bank on a different phone who told me my account was in order. My guess is that the number had been spoofed as suggested in the above notes.

reported 03453 002 750 as Safe
lloyds bank number.

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