There are total of 6 user comments about calls from 03309 124 750. Last comment has been made . The overall rating for 03309 124 750 is Harassing. Read Disclaimer
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Claiming to be from my bank, they say they have stopped some transactions, they will state which part of the country which will be miles away from you. They say they will have to put a block on your card, they ask for basic security questions like date of birth and post code, he got annoyed when I wouldn't give him the answers, he said he wouldn't be able to put a block on my card, I said I'll go down the bank and sort it out myself. He hung up. I knew from the start it was a scam, your bank will Never phone you up and ask for details. Beware of these scams, they can sound so convincing. Hope this helps.
Frequent calls from this number. Mostly silent when I answer! Really annoying.
They called claiming to be from EE. I don't trust unsolicited calls like this. Be careful.
Missed this call earlier today but got a weird feeling about it. Feels like a scam.
Got a call from this number at 8 am. Didn't answer as I don’t recognize the number. No voice message left.
EE call handler trying to phone about contract update options. I’m an EE customer but have never had a phone contact with them. So in my case the call was junk, but could be genuine for others.