There are total of 18 user comments about calls from 01823 211 720. Last comment has been made . The overall rating for 01823 211 720 is Harassing. Read Disclaimer
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Awful company - spoke to someone called Patrick who asked for my mobile number, how old I am and if I'm married and single. Totally inappropriate.
Same as above, claiming they are researching in view of the ISDN switch-off but wanted to know how many handsets, MD, and company email. Just a phishing company.
Claimed to be researching for telecoms and asked about our phone infrastructure. No proper verification, felt very dodgy.
Called pretending to be a research agency for telecoms. Hung up immediately when I refused to provide specific details.
Contacted me asking detailed questions about our phone system. Suspicious and felt like a data-harvesting attempt.
called today, claiming they are researching in view of the ISDN switch off but wanted to know, how many handsets, MD, and company email. Just a phishing company, was also very rude snotty woman and didn't clarify she was already speaking to a Director of our company!
Insisted on getting our MD’s email and the number of handsets we use, claiming it's for research. Total scam!
Called today, claiming they are researching in view of the ISDN switch-off but wanted to know how many handsets, MD, and company email. Just a phishing company. The woman was also very rude and snotty and didn’t clarify she was already speaking to a Director of our company!
same as above claiming they are researching in view of the ISDN switch off but wanted to know, how many handsets, MD, and company email. Just a phishing company,
Telecoms research organisation – no website and their business profile shows they're dormant. Fishing for information to sell.
Wanted to know about the business and how many handsets we had filled them with c**p
Wanted to know about the business and how many handsets we had. I filled them with c**p.
"Telecoms research organisation" No website, endole says they are dormant. Fishing to sell information on office phones.
TRO - Some sort of research agency. Hung up after refusing to give out info.
Telecoms survey, hung up when I refused to give all our company details.
I didn't stay on the line
Telecoms research organisation, junk !
Telecoms survey. Hung up when I refused to give all our company details.