Who is calling me
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01269 849 064

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User comments about this number

There are total of 56 user comments about calls from 01269 849 064. Last comment has been made . The overall rating for 01269849064 is DangerousRead Disclaimer

reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Will somone, (government or providers) get off their respective a**ess and stop these scammers? No? I didn't think so. They make up all sorts of "received information" if you let them. Personally they deserve all the abuse I can give them over my phone. They are despicable 01269849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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It's definitely a scam. They asked to remotely control my computer, claiming they were from Microsoft. I hung up immediately. - caller: Fake Microsoft

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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01269 849064 Ammanford I had a call but they hung up immediately, I rang back not knowing who they were and it said the number is non existent.

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Got a call today 01269 849064.....they don't give up. Usual scam about computer being infected, told him to go and get himself infected with something nasty, for some reason he hung up. - caller: 01269 849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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call with Indian accent knew my computer license number and said from Windows Service Centre. Said politely I could not do this now as busy and they kept phoning - told me problem needed to be dealt with in 30 minutes or too late. - caller: 01269849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Has a call today from this guy claiming to be from the Windows Helpdesk. I told him where to go, he then responded with abuse saying he was going to come and F@@@ my wife, then F@@@ my daughter, then said I know where you live and read out my address. why do these numbers show up as UK numbers when they are clearly overseas ??

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Received a call from an Asian-sounding woman who claimed to be from BT. When I questioned her, she hung up. This has to stop! - caller: Fake BT

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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I have been receiving calls to my mobile from Ammanford numbers for several weeks. The first one was 01269 240494. I blocked the number, but have received more calls from ten different Ammanford numbers. I never answer and block them all. How many land lines do they have and are other people being pestered in this way? Mike, Swansea.

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Nuisance call, won't give company details

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Keep up the feedback people!!.a great way to expose these ....ers. - caller: No msg just did a 1471 because it was on my business line

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Every few months I get a flurry of these calls. Must think we're bloody stupid! - caller: 01269 849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Sick and tired of these scam calls, and they keep using new numbers. How are they allowed to continue? - caller: 01269 849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Keep getting phone call from 01269 600494 they state from Amazon then say if you want to speak to manager press 1. It is a scam fraud call. They also call on different numbers including mobiles several times a day every day Inc weekends.

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Call from 'Windows Technical Team', yeah, yeah, yeah. - caller: Dodgy Indian

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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I'm getting daily calls from this number, all from different people claiming to be from various companies. It’s fraudulent for sure. - caller: Various Scammers

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Just another scam call trying to get personal info. What can we do to stop them? - caller: 01269 849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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BT Openreach scam from this number, trying to remotely access my bank account. - caller: BT Openreach

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Had this Indian guy ringing a number of times about my computer it had been hacked. Which I knew it hadn't this gut wants to know everything about you. Once I told him he was a hacker and I work for Microsoft (even tho i dont)he put the phone down. - caller: Indian guy supposed to be from Microsoft

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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The caller claimed there was an issue with my broadband and wanted me to download some software. It’s a scam. Be careful! - caller: Fake BT

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Another annoying scam call from this number. They claim to be from BT Openreach but I know it’s false. Be cautious and do not share anything. - caller: BT Openreach

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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My elderly mother received a call from this number, and they tried to scam her into giving bank details. It’s disgusting. - caller: Scammer

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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i'm so sick of recieving these calls i am cancelling my landline. Ive go pen ex directory and subscribed to telephone preference service but clearly a waste of time. To amuse myself I have gone alone with these idiots .. One even hung on for 3 mins whilst I found my credit card. - caller: 01269849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Keeps calling, but never leaves a message. Suspect it's another scam. Very annoying! - caller: Unknown

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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2/2/16 01269 849064 12.45pm man reporting to be from India, wants me to switch off hub then switch on again & log on to a web page.realised it was a scam, so had some fun. Asked him to wait whilst I looked at the web page. Dragged it out, getting him to repeat details and pretending not to hear him well asking him to shout loudly because of poor line. Dragged it out for 25 minutes before he told me to go to hell. - caller: 01269 849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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I am tired of getting nuisance phone calls From people I don't know I think it times BT did something about it. I get between 4 and 6 a day and only have the phone for family and friends. Come on BT I pay enough a month.

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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They pretend to be from Microsoft and try to get access to your computer. Just hang up! - caller: Fake Microsoft

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Asian lady said she was from BT. When I said that she was not calling from a recognised BT number she immediately put the phone down. - caller: ???

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Called by this number which I obtained from dialling 1471. Indian accent....asked for me by name. I hung up. Getting similar calls from various numbers and withheld numbers at least half a dozen times a day...going to subscribe to caller ID and invest in a call blocker. - caller: 01269 849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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This number called me several times a day. To have some fun, I made them hold for 10 minutes before hanging up. They never called back. - caller: 01269 849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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This number has been calling me non-stop, pretending to be from Amazon and trying to get my credit card details. Do not trust them! - caller: Amazon Scam

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Indian voice about pc-Told him yo go away !!

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Horrible scammers trying to gain access to my computer. Report them if you get a call! - caller: Unknown

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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They called three times today and each time I ignored it. Clearly, just another scam. How do these people get away with it? - caller: Unknown

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Dead call - caller: 01269 849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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We have received calls from this number 6 times over the last two days, some silent, the most recent at 9.05am today. We have repeatly told the caller that we do answer questions over the phone. - caller: 01269849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Received a call from this number claiming to be from BT. As soon as I started questioning, they hung up. - caller: 01269 849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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called several times and left no message

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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indian man called to say that he was from Microsoft and claimed my computer was sending him lots of error messages. Totally bogus.

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Dodgy - caller: 01269849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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recived a call on 01/04/2015 but my phone was off - no message left

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Told him that my number is registered with TPS and that he is breaking the law. He wished me a nice day and rang off. He gives an English sounding name but is clearly from the sub-continent by his strong accent.

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Scam - caller: +44 1269 849064

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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got a call from this number an indian man claiming to be from Microsoft wanting access to my computer i told him it was a scam and that i wouldn't be doing anything to which he replied with a barrage of abuse calling me a f****** b**ch and that i should hang up and die

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Just answered to this number, guy said he was from Yorkshire recovery or something. I immediately thought debt collectors so asked what it was in regards to, and the man told me it was in conjunction to the car accident I had a while back. When I told him I'd not been in any car accident ever he immediately just hung up - caller: Dodgy accident recovery group

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Put the phone down when I told him that I charge £100 per survey. Now blocked. - caller: unknown

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Received a call from 01269849064 but missed it. Having read the first comment here about it being from a bogus IT company I'm gutted I didn't answer it now, I love winding them up no end.

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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I have been plagued every hour on the hour by withheld telephone number calls all of which failed to leave a message when my machine activated. This number was the same, but I have no idea who the caller was the STD code indicates its a place called Ammanford in Carmarthenshire. I have no relatives there

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Call registered on Answer phone but no message left.

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Have previously blocked this number on my mobile after I had a silent call and then checked the number on internet. After that I've had an endless number of calls from they - last one today. It seems to go in cycles, as if they're hoping you'll forget inbetween... Idiots! - caller: Some form of scam

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reported 01269 849 064 as Dangerous
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Phoned my mobile number

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Missed multiple calls from this phone number, all I know is they are spammy and don't want to answer them. Called from two numbers, but both have same beginning, +44 1269 849064 +44 1269 849868 - caller: +44 1269 849064, +44 1269 849868

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Same as John above - called at 12.30 mwhere I work. Asked if I was owner of computer. I said No (have also had these calls at home) and he rang off .... - caller: Indian guy climing to be from Microsoft

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Indian or similar accent. Claimed to be calling from something-or-other accident helpline about a minor accident which I hadn't had. - caller: ??????? accident helpline.

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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why am still receiving these calls when I am on TPS. People like this want stopping - caller: don 't know didn't answer but the number is also 03331553031 same person

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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This number 01269 849064 keeps on calling me every other day, checked the number and no one answers?! Fed up of this now and it's really irritating when you block the number that they keep on trying by altering the STD Code or to +44 UK line... STOP Calling!! Defo a Scam - Just has to be!!

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reported 01269 849 064 as Harassing
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Man from India trying to gain access to your computer by getting you to type in certain things. Knew was dodgy from start, had fun with it for a while then told them where to go - not politely!

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